Congratulations on the birth of a new member of your family! This is a true joy for all of us as we, too, desire that your child be considered a member of the Family of God and His Holy Church through the Sacrament of Baptism.
This is a good time make sure that you are registered at our parish. Click here for the parish registration form.
If you do not live near our parish, it would make sense for you to join the parish closest to you. Please have that parish send us their information for our records. They can provide us with whatever requirements they stipulate for your preparation to baptize your child, unless they defer the decision to our parish. In any case, we will need to communicate properly.
Godparents must be baptized, have Confirmation, and be practicing Catholics. If they are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church. If they have not done so already, they should register at a parish and have that parish send us a recognition that they are practicing Catholics. They will need to make the commitment to regularly attend Mass from this point forward.
The parents of the child must agree to have the child baptized. It is not appropriate for the grandparents or other members of the family to make the arrangements. It is not a requirement that the parents are married in the Church. However, the parish is here to help couples take that next step of deeper spiritual commitment to God and each other. It is best for the children to be in a loving, stable family. Please feel free to ask us about how we can support you.
We do require that the parents attend a brief baptism class for their first child to be baptized.
There is no cost for the baptism, though a customary gift to the parish, priest, or deacon is appreciated.
Baptisms typically take place after the 11:00am Mass on the second and fourth weekends of the month.
Register for the baptism of your child and the baptism class by contacting the parish office.
Congratulations on the decision to bring your child into the Catholic Faith! This is a true joy for all of us as we, too, desire that your child be considered a member of the Family of God and His Holy Church through the Sacrament of Baptism.
This is a good time to make sure that you are registered at our parish. Click here for the parish registration form.
If you do not live near our parish, it would make sense for you to join the parish closest to you. Please have that parish send us their information for our records. They can provide us with whatever requirements they stipulate for your preparation to baptize your child, unless they defer the decision to our parish. In any case, we will need to communicate properly.
Godparents must be baptized, have Confirmation, and be practicing Catholics. If they are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church. If they have not done so already, they should register at a parish and have that parish send us a recognition that they are practicing Catholics. They will need to make the commitment to regularly attend Mass from this point forward.
The parents of the child must agree to have the child baptized. It is not appropriate for the grandparents or other members of the family to make the arrangements. It is not a requirement that the parents are married in the Church. However, the parish is here to help couples take that next step of deeper spiritual commitment to God and each other. It is best for the children to be in a loving, stable family. Please feel free to ask us about how we can support you.
The preparation for a child between 7 and 12 years old will be a decision the parents and the pastor will make together. Please contact Fr. Michael through the parish office.
There is no cost for the baptism, though a customary gift to the parish, priest, or deacon is appreciated.
Congratulations on your desire to become Catholic! This is a true joy for all of us as we, too, desire that your child be considered a member of the Family of God and His Holy Church through the Sacrament of Baptism.
For those who are 13 years old and up, we keep the three Sacraments of Initiation together: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. All three will be received at the same Mass, which is typically at the Easter Vigil the night before Easter.
The preparation takes place in a class called Journey of Faith. Others will be walking with us that desire to know more about what Catholic’s really believe. These classes begin in September and culminate at the end of April.
Attending the Journey of Faith classes does not commit you to becoming Catholic. It simply gives a person the opportunity to explore the possibility and learn what it is that Catholics believe. The commitment is made in December whether or not to continue with the process. Feel free to just “test the waters.”
To join Journey of Faith, please contact the parish office.
If you have already been baptized in another Christian Church, but now desire to become Catholic, the process is very similar. Contact the parish office and join the Journey of Faith.
We do require that minors have expressed permission from their parents to enter into the program. Parents, spouses, and friends may attend the Journey of Faith classes as well.
There is no cost for the Journey of Faith or for the reception of the Sacraments.
I like to think of the Sacrament of Confirmation as a person going from being a passenger on a vessel, to being an active sailor of a vessel. Congratulation on recognizing the calling of the Lord to draw you into a deeper relationship with the Mission of the Church. Please take seriously your formation, and know that we take seriously your calling.
Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year process. The Confirmation process typically begins in 8th grade, but can also start in 9th grade. Please click here to register for classes.
The cost for Faith Formation and Preparation for Confirmation will be explained by the Faith Formation office.
Adults who are seeking Confirmation may attend the Journey of Faith classes. Others will be walking with us that desire to know more about what Catholics really believe or to become Catholics. These classes begin in September and culminate at the end of April.
There is no cost for adults seeking Confirmation.
To join Journey of Faith, click here.
Register online at: Confirmation
I love to celebrate First Holy Communion! The children remind us of the faith we are called to believe. All of us remember this as one of our first formal events and steps toward maturity in our community.
There are four requirements to receive Holy Communion:
Register online at: First Communion
Congratulations on your engagement! Our parish is dedicated to helping you prepare for this great Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. We ask God to bless you in these days of preparation and teach your hearts how to imitate His love.
In order to secure a date for your wedding, it will be necessary for you to contact Fr. Matt, the pastor of the parish. We will need to assess your freedom to marry in the Catholic Church.
If either the bride or the groom have been previously married in the Catholic Church or outside of the Catholic Church, an annulment must be completed before the couple is declared free to marry.
The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church is a life-long commitment of love between one man and one woman who are open to having children, understand the calling to faithfulness, and at least one of the couples is Catholic and committed to raising their future children in the Catholic Faith.
This is a good time make sure that you are registered at our parish. Click here for the parish registration form.
If you do not live near our parish, it would make sense for you to join the parish closest to you. Please have that parish send us their information for our records. They can provide us with whatever requirements they stipulate for your preparation to marry in the Catholic Church, unless they defer the decision to our parish. In any case, we will need to communicate properly.
Catholic weddings must take place in the church building.
If both the bride and groom are Catholic, it is the parish’s expectation that the wedding will take place in the context of the holy Mass. If only one of the couple is Catholic, it is the parish’s expectation that the wedding will not include the reception of Holy Communion.
The preparation for marriages at SS. Cosmas and Damian requires at least six months between the initial meeting and the wedding date. The preparation can be found here: Wedding Preparation Check List and Sessions
Our parish offers an annual PreCana day to couples as a part of of their Wedding Preparation. Click here for information on our upcoming Pre Cana Day and to register.
Arrangements can be made for a couple to be prepared at a distance or at another parish.
Typically, the customary gift to the parish, priest, and music ministry is $850.
If you are thinking about a vocation to the religious life, the deaconate, or the priesthood, feel free to speak with Fr. Matt about how to best make this prayerful decision. You can also go to the Diocesan Vocation Office at
Our parish currently has had two men become priests: Fr. Wally Hyclak, and Fr. John Pfeifer. We also have two men who became deacons: Deacon Vince Belsito and Deacon Ed Chernick.
We are aware of several others who have considered a vocation in our parish. Please be open to serving the Lord and following in whatever direction the Holy Spirit leads you.
During the regular season, Fr. Matt is available from 2:45 to 3:30 PM every Saturday and from 5:00 – 6:00 PM every Wednesday for those who seek to confess their sins. Fr. Matt is also available after the morning Masses during the week or by appointment. Please contact the parish office to make an appointment. House calls are available for the homebound. Confession times will be extended during Advent and Lent from 2:30 to 3:30 PM.
We also seasonally offer evening Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent with many priests available.
Fr. Matt is available for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick by appointment or immediately following one of the regular Masses.
Fr. Matt is also available to go to visit the homebound or the nursing homes in Twinsburg. If there is a Catholic from another parish that is in the nursing homes of our parish boundaries, Fr. Matt accepts responsibility to take care of their pastoral needs. Though they may want to speak to their proper priest over the phone, there is no need to have them travel to Twinsburg when I am so close by. I would gladly anoint a fellow Catholic, regardless of their proper parish.
Twice a year, the parish offers a Communal Anointing of the Sick service in the context of Mass.
If you or your loved one is in the hospital, please ask the hospital staff to put you in contact with the “Pastoral Care” team. The Pastoral Care will provide you with the closest priest available. Sometimes that may be a Catholic Priest who is also a hospital chaplain. Sometimes that is the parish priest who lives closest to the hospital. If the person is in the hospital in Twinsburg, Fr. Matt is the closest priest and will make himself available to any Catholic in need.