Youth and Young Adult

  • Youth Ministry:
    • Facebook Page:
    • Instagram: @sscdym
    • Anchor Youth Group is open to teens in grades 7-12. Youth Group typically meets twice a month from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. There is also at least one service and/or social event each month. For more information please contact Keri Knowles.
  • Vacation Bible School
    • Traditionally held for one week in June, VBS provides an opportunity for children to experience their faith and lessons of the Bible through song, dance, games, and activities with the use of engaging music, characters, and programming. Students in grades 6-12 may sign up volunteer as leaders for VBS. VBS is from Monday – Friday from 9am – 12pm. Planning begins in the winter, anyone interested in joining the planning team should email Joni Smith or Keri Knowles.
  • Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC)
    • Contact Keri Knowles for information on CHWC.  
    • The mission of CHWC is to share the love of Christ as we serve the neglected, brokenhearted and the marginalized in any way needed. Equally, to inspire participants to live as disciples of Christ through serving others as a way of life; and to foster the Catholic faith of each participant through the sacraments, prayer and involvement in social service.
    • High School Students (and sometimes 8th graders) are invited to join us for a week each summer on a mission trip dedicated to serving others and growing in faith and community with their peers from around the country. Campers head off to their job sites in the morning after Mass, and the evenings are filled with music, games, and faith-filled activities designed to help us better know Christ.
    • Meetings and sign-ups begin in late August/early September, and students are expected to participate in fundraisers and group gatherings throughout the year to prepare for the trip.
    • SSCD Camper testimonies:
      • “At CHWC, teens from all across the country come together to serve the Lord by volunteering at various organizations in the local communities. A few places that I have volunteered at include a homeless shelter, a food pantry, and a Boys and Girls club. The people are always extremely grateful for all of our help, and it is amazing to see how great our impact is on the community. Even the smallest projects can vastly improve the quality of people’s lives. I love having the opportunity to make someone’s day, and the feeling of fulfillment after completing a project is extremely rewarding. After our service each day, we return to the school that we’re staying at to participate in activities such as mass, adoration, and confession. These are some of my favorite parts of the week, and I continue to return to camp each year because of the many ways which these activities have positively impacted my faith. Every year my relationship with God grows stronger and my connectedness to my faith grows deeper. I hope to continue to grow deeper into my faith this year, and I hope that many other high schoolers will consider signing up so they can do the same!”
      • “My first experience was amazing. It felt like God was there. The first day was nerve-wracking but as time went on my faith grew in Jesus Christ. Ever since that day I have gone to every single retreat camp and let me tell you this. It will change your life and your faith and mind and soul.”
      • “It’s so amazing to spend a week with people from around the country who share the same faith. Daily mass, worship, and service make CHWC so special. One of my most influential service projects was in Puerto Rico where I helped fix a hurricane damaged house. All my experiences have made me realize that God is everywhere, and it’s so special to spend a week away serving Him and His people.”
  • Helper Elves
    • Helper Elves is an afternoon in December filled with fun for kids, and an opportunity for parents to get a little time to themselves for shopping, wrapping, napping, or whatever they need! This event is free and includes games, dancing, lunch, prayer, a gift for each child, and more!
    • 2023 Date: December 16.
  • Young Adult Ministry
    • We are encouraging all young adults to attend Cornerstone: at Holy Angels Church in Bainbridge. Cornerstone happens on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. For the most up to date information on this group follow them on Facebook.