November HS

Week 1:
Called to Be Holy!


  •  Watch the weekly news videos from our office. We send links to the YouTube videos to you through our Faith Formation gmail at Please make sure that our emails are not going to your junk or spam folders! 
  • Listen to this podcast by Father Josh Johnson, starting at 8:37 “Raising Kids to Be Saints.”

Main Ideas

  • We are called to be holy – to live as saints!
  • God gives us what we need to do this. Stay close to Him in prayer.
  • Parents have an important role in leading their children to Jesus (and ultimately to heaven!)
  • Besides parents, the saints are great role models for us to follow in becoming holy.
  • There are particular things we need to do to grow in holiness.



Spend 5 minutes each morning in prayer, before you go about your day, and ask God what good thing He would like for you to do this day. Also, spend 5 minutes each night in prayer before you go to bed, and ask God to show you how much He loves you. 

Prayer Missions

  • Your prayer mission for this month is to learn to pray a litany (or list) of saints. After this, you can create your own ‘list’ or ‘litany’ of your favorite saints to call out in prayer for your intentions! Also, participate in the Holy Mass either in person, if at all possible, or virtually on our parish Facebook page. Mass is BIG prayer!

Week 2:
Do We Really Need to Be Saved?
Doesn't Everyone Go to Heaven?

Main Ideas

  • Jesus spoke about the difficulties of getting to heaven…watch the first video on what Jesus had to say about that. 
  • Jesus also said that, with God, all things are possible!
  • Jesus said, “I am the way…” Following Jesus, staying close to him, trusting in him are the keys to joining Him in heaven. 
  • The idea that all people go to heaven is actually a heresy, contrary to the teachings of our Church and to that of Jesus Christ himself. 
  • The Truth is – we need a Savior – and Jesus came here to be that for us! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
  • Learn what Purgatory is!


  • Watch video from Fr. Mike Schmitz ”Do All Good People Go To Heaven?”   Pay attention, because after you view this, we want you to complete the following reflection.  You will need your Bible, and use a Bible app on line.

  • Watch “You Don’t Know Jack abut Hell” – Fr. Jack Collins. Fr. Jack interviews people on the street to see what the average person knows about hell. How would you do?

  • Watch “Hell is for Real” with Fr. Mike Schmitz.

  • What is Purgatory?  Watch with Fr. Mike Schmitz to understand what Purgatory is, and what we can do about it?



Practice prayers daily and attend Mass!

Week 3:
Thanksgiving, Jesus Calls, and the Eucharist!

Main Ideas

  • The Chosen – episode 4 – Simon (Peter) is in trouble and losing faith, but Andrew stands firm because he has met the Messiah. The Romans are after Simon for his delinquent taxes, and Simon has no idea what to do. And then he encounters Jesus!
  • Like Jesus called Andrew and Simon, James and John, Jesus also calls YOU.
  • God is so generous, compassionate and loving!
  • The word “Eucharist” actually means “thanks giving”. When we participate in the celebration of the holy Eucharist, we are celebrating a thanksgiving Mass every time!
  • Thanksgiving – not a Church holiday, but still a special time to acknowledge God’s great goodness and generosity, and to give thanks to God! If your family is feeling especially blessed, consider those in special need – who have been out of work, who are homeless, who have large medical bills, etc. – and see what you might be able to do for at least one person.


Giving Thanks

Make a list of all the things for which you are grateful to God. Find at least 25 things, and take it to prayer. Actually talk to God and thank him for these things.  Add more as you think of them! Consider making it a daily practice to at least say thank you to God for five things each day.  If you need a head start, consider the gift of the day itself, your health, your family, your friends, your special gifts, etc.

Watch and Reflect


  • Read Luke 5:1-11 to follow the story as shown in the video, “The Chosen.”


Practice your prayers, following the flip book and the guide that goes with it. If you haven’t picked it up yet, they are in the parish office!

Place your Bible on your family’s special prayer center, where everyone will be able to see it and use it often. 

Week 4:
Preparing for Advent

Main Ideas

  • Advent marks the beginning of an important season in the Church.
  • We prepare to remember and contemplate the coming of Jesus as a newborn infant in a stable in Bethlehem, and prepare for his return – any day! Are we ready?

Blessed Carlo

Advent Calendar

Ask God to show you how you can best prepare to celebrate this holy season of Advent.  It is a time to prepare our hearts, our minds, our souls and our homes!  What will you do for him?

Make an Advent calendar, beginning with the last Sunday in November.  Do something each day to help you prepare.  I have attached a couple of links that have ideas.  Also consider spiritual reading, like reading about the prophecies of the Messiah, read about the saints, especially Mary and Joseph, or other saints you are interested in. Prayer should also be part of your preparation, and perhaps Reconciliation.  Consider others in your plans, like writing Christmas cards, baking cookies for someone else, etc. Write something on each date to “commit” yourself to the work ahead. You can move things around if you need to, especially if weather is involved!  Make it a point to let Advent help you grow in holiness this year!

You can print out the calendar on the link, or pick up in the parish office.  We designed them extra-large so that there is plenty of room to write in the squares.  Feel free to decorate as you like!  Calendar is here

Ideas can be found here: