
R.C.I.A. stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.  It is the path for those who desire to become Catholic.

For those who feel called by God to enter the Catholic Church, you may do so by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.  This includes baptism for those who were never baptized, Confirmation, and First Holy Eucharist.

In preparation to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, potential candidates should attend formation sessions to learn the basics of the Catholic Faith.  Our parish calls these sessions “Journey of Faith.”  You will be learning and praying with other Catholics who would like a refresher in their Faith, as well as non-Catholics who would like to listen for the sake of understanding our Faith, even if they decide not to join our Church.

If you are feeling an inner pull toward the Catholic Church, please contact us at 330-425-8141 and sign up for the Journey of Faith sessions.  There is no obligations or commitment to attend for those who are just “testing the waters” to see if this is a good fit.  After all, how can we make an important decision if we do not research the options. Our sessions usually begin in September.

For those who are not Christian, it is recommendable to join the Alpha program as a basic introduction of what all Christians believe.  These 10 sessions will be available in August and September.   Please contact the parish office if you are interested.