“The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”- Luke 10:2
One of the major obstacles we face in the modern era is a sense that Catholics do not feel adequately prepared to present and defend the Catholic Faith to others. As a result, we have been slow to speak about our faith and negligent in our invitation to others to come and learn the wealth of our teachings.
Recognizing the need to develop the gifts of our parishioners, Fr. Michael has been working to establish a parish adult formation program called Kerygma. “Kerygma” is a Greek term that means “Proclaiming the Gospel.” This is a command of our Lord to all Catholics, though each in his or her own way. Our aim with the Kerygma program this year is to properly prepare those who are interested in forming Small Parish Faith Sharing Groups with a proper understanding of Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic Traditions, and Small Faith Sharing Group leadership skills.
This first year of Kerygma will be held at St. Rita Parish at 7:00 PM on designated Monday nights. You can join us in person or online at: https://meet.goto.com/SSCosmasandDamianParish.
Our goal is to give “basic training” to parishioners so they are equipped to share the Good News with their families, neighbors, and friends. It is recommended for all Catholics, but especially those who take seriously God’s calling to invite others to come to know and love our Lord. Here is an example of one of the classes: Abraham.
There is no need to register. All are welcome from any parish or even non-parishioners. The first class begins on September 12th. If you attend at least 80 % of the classes, you will receive a Missionary Disciple’s Kerygma Certificate. If you prefer to pick and choose the classes that interest you, here is a list of topics for the first semester with the date of presentation:
The class schedule is as follows:
September 12, 2022 Introduction to the Bible
September 19, 2022 Does God Exist?
September 26, 2022 Abraham
October 3, 2022 Joseph of Genesis
October 10, 2022 Creationism vs. Science
October 17, 2022 Adam and Eve
October 24, 2022 Theology of the Body
October 31, 2022 Calling of Moses
November 7, 2022 Plagues of Egypt
November 14, 2022 From the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai
November 21, 2022 King Saul and David and Goliath
November 28, 2022 King David
December 5, 2022 Walk-Through of the Holy Mass
December 12, 2022 Our Lady of Guadalupe.